Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Queen City Holiday Craft Show

One down, 4 more to go.  Thanks to all the hard working folks at twist who put a great show together.  It was so awesome to see many long lost craft fair friends! I am getting ready for show number two, Queen City Craft that is happening this Saturday. I hope you'll come check it out! If you are a regular shopper at Queen City and are looking for me, I'm excited to say I'll be switching up my spot this year, so look for me upstairs!

Here are a few items from some great artists that will be vending this year!

Umm.. are these not the cutest most colorful toys you've ever seen? by Nifty Kidstuff

hoodie by New Duds
I love New Duds so much that I had to include a photo of their purse too. I got one of these for my birthday in July and use it everyday. It's awesome and so well made! 
Isn't this the sweetest most darling necklace? by Sweet Avenue Jewelry
If you have ever been to Frog Hollow, I'm sure you've seen John Brickels amazing clay works. 
Can you say cute?  Erinn Simon of Urban Farm Girl makes the cutest little crocheted creations. 

I hope you'll come see us and do most of your shopping buying handmade items this holiday season! :) 

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Twist favs part 2!

It's crunch time for Twist which starts tomorrow!  I have just been tying up all of the loose ends.  I'm excited to say this is the first show where I'll have my appliqued patchwork hoodies!

I wanted to share some more of the artist that will be vending there.  There is so much awesomeness that I had to split it into two posts, see my Vermont artist post here.

First up, Beehive Kitchen Ware.  I remember seeing their wares while attending a wholesale show with my Mom a few years ago.  Their kitchen wears are so great, it was hard to pick which photo to share with you.  All of their products would make great holiday gifts for just about anyone.
These lovely cups are by Abby Berkson. I met Abby at Twist last year and her work is beautiful, go buy something of hers! 
This beauty is by Rachel Pfeffer Designs. I have been drooling behind my computer at her designs. Isn't this ring the most beautiful ring you have ever seen?  I am going to treat myself to one of her pieces this year! You should too! She was also etsy's featured seller a few months back, check out her interview here
This lovely pillow was made by Vonica Designs. I made friends with Erica last year and am excited to be vending next to her. Come see us at the back next to the DJ on Friday and next to the Crafty Kids on Saturday (booth 113 & 114!)

Saturday, November 5, 2011


I can't believe my first holiday show is only 5 days away. My, how time flies. I wanted to highlight some of my favorite vendors that will be at Twist. There are so many that i'll be splitting it into two posts: my fellow Vermont artist friends and then a second one of non VT peeps.  This show is amazing. It is my second time doing it. It's such a breeze to load in and out and I don't even have to bring a table or garment rack, it's rather luxurious. And as vendors, we even get fed! Hot DOG! No, not fed hot dogs but you catch my drift.

Here are some of my favorite Vermont vendors.. check them out.
 First up, Coob Originals. Calvin makes awesome jewelry and accessories out of recycled skateboards. I have a pair of his hoops that I love to wear!
by LoveErica I love this ring so much, it is so affordable and it reminds me of my mother's wedding band from when she was married in Hawaii! 
I had the pleasure of spending a lot of time fellow artist Moe of Recycle Moe at the BCA Markets. She's also helping to organize the Women's Festival of Crafts in a few weeks so if you aren't in 
Northampton, be sure to check us out there! 
this lovely skirt is by Sarah Green of Mountain Ash Design
beautiful porcelain bowls by Rob Cartelli

Deer Wall Art by Fiddleheads For Fiona

Okay, so maybe Lisa moved and actually lives in Northampton now but I will always think of her as a fellow Vermonter! :) Lisa is Elle Paisley Designs and makes awesome jewelry out of recycled watch parts. 

stay tuned for part two of awesome vendors that will be at Twist and don't forget to come see us Friday 6-9 and Saturday 10-6 at Northampton Center for the Arts/17 New South St. Northampton, MA!